Senior’s Program

(Since April 16 2020, due to the pandemic situation, we have not been able to provide the same service onsite  but have been offering meal delivery, mental health and spiritual lessons and also providing yoga lessons via FB).

Program Manager: Lhakpa Tsering

“You don’t stop learning when you grow old… you grow old when you stop learning!”

Wednesdays and Sunday is Seniors Day @ the TCCC!
This program commenced on Wednesday January 9th, 2008 and since then have served many seniors over the past many  years.  Program hours are every Wednesday and Sunday from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM.  Come out and spend a day socializing, participating in organized leisure, learning and recreational programs. LUNCH PROVIDED.

Sample ImageThis unique program is an important part of the CTAO’s commitment to  diversity, inclusion, and to lifelong learning. As our community ages, the increasing number of seniors demand innovative programming for this section of our population. As a close-knit   community, our members share a    profound interest in the well-being of our senior members and therefore we strive to deliver enriching programs dedicating considerable resources from our community.
Through our seniors’ program, we   provide a variety of activities that are culturally, socially, and emotionally  enriching in order to encourage seniors to stay actively involved in our  community.
The Seniors’ program offers services to Tibetan seniors (aged 50 and older) who live in the GTA.  The program is held at our community centre located on 40 Titan Road, Toronto

How much does it cost?
CTAO’s Seniors’ Program provides    services at no cost to individuals and their families. We provide free luncActive Imageh and refreshments to every senior who attend our programs.

Who is eligible?
As a community-based association, most of our programs are targeted  towards Canadians of Tibetan origin who are 50 years or older. However, we welcome any Canadian seniors,  irrespective of his background, culture or ethnicity. One of our future goals is to attract seniors of different ethnic and cultural background and provide a  platform to discuss and share their  lifelong experiences, culture, etc.

CTAO Provides services for Seniors and a variety of other Services

ESL Classes
Workshops on Social Services
Talks on Canadian History, Culture, Environment etc.
Documentary Shows on Different Topics
Forums to Discuss Current Events & News
Educational trips around GTA, e.g. City Hall, Museums, etc.

Religious talks by visiting Tibetan scholars
Lessons in Tibetan Dances and   Performing Arts
Performing Tibetan Rituals on   Auspicious Days
Meditation Session
Inter-generational Meeting with Tibetan Youths & Children

Yoga Session
Networking, storytelling, music etc.
Gorshay (Tibetan Round Dance)
Cooking Tibetan cuisines and dishes
Card games, dice games