Ontario Tibetans Giving back to the Community – Distribution of Masks and Hats

During the pandemic, the requirement of face coverings became essential.  Several volunteers within the Tibetan community came forward to sew non-surgical hats and masks.  The Canadian Tibetan Association of Ontario purchased all of the material such as the cloth and elastics and partnered with the community volunteers to make and distribute several thousand masks and hats to healthcare and non-healthcare workers within the GTA.  Volunteers came back from their regular work and then spent their valuable time at home making these masks.  With funds from CTAO and the community, along with the partnership with the individual volunteers, we were able to make thousands of masks and distribute to Tibetans and non-Tibetans working across the city at healthcare and longterm care centres.


CTAO in partnership with Norling Restaurant distribute over 150meals to Eatonville Care Centre

CTAO in partnership with Norling Tibetan and Hakka Cuisine on 1512 Queen St West are providing 150 hot meals covering all shifts today to Eatonville Care Centre on 420 The East Mall in Etoobicoke. The staff at Eatonville went through some challenging times and we want to let them know that we care. This is a small way by our community to Thank our frontline Healthcare Heroes for their commitment and hardwork during these unprecedented times. We are stronger together and we all have to come together to show our kindness. Thank You once again to our frontline staff and we appreciate all the work you do to keep us safe. We will continue this initiative as we partner with more restaurants and donors.


CTAO Provides 150 Hot Meals to Eatonville Care Centre

CTAO in partnership with Norling Tibetan and Hakka Cuisine on 1512 Queen St West are providing 150 hot meals covering all shifts today to Eatonville Care Centre on 420 The East Mall in Etoobicoke. The staff at Eatonville went through some challenging times and we want to let them know that we care. This is a small way by our community to Thank our frontline Healthcare Heroes for their commitment and hardwork during these unprecedented times. We are stronger together and we all have to come together to show our kindness. Thank You once again to our frontline staff and we appreciate all the work you do to keep us safe.

Grocery Distribution to Elders

The Canadian Tibetan Association distributed groceries to about 100 members of the vulnerable population.  Each hemper contained milk, eggs, fruits, oats and some dry food such as noodles.  The members of local Tibetan organizations along with the youth helped in distributing the food to the community.


Tibetan Dumplings and Fruit Distribution to Covid-19 affected individuals and families

CTAO along with Tibetan Canadian Cultural Centre’s (TCCC)  used their facilities and with the help of volunteers worked on this initiative collectively.  With the help of TCCC’s kitchen, members of the Tibetan community came together to make dumplings and froze them in packages of 30 for later distribution.  The frozem dumplings (momos) were distributed to families and individuals along with some fruits to help covid-19 affected patients as the dumplings could easily be steamed or could be used in a soup.  Over 5000 momos have been produced so far and this initiative is ongoing.