Canada Ontario Sichi 2021 Preliminary Election Results


Please be advised that poll results for the 2021 SiChi elections conducted by the Canadian Tibetan Association of Ontario (CTAO) local election committee at the Tibetan Canadian Cultural Centre in Toronto from January 1-3, 2021 have not been publicly disclosed.

In accordance with CTA’s Election Rules the results were tabulated by the CTAO local election committee (5 core members) and observed by members of RTYC, TWAO and Dokham Chushi Gangdruk on January 5, 2021 and submitted the same day to the Office of Tibet, Washington, DC.

Poll results from North America Tibet Associations will be officially communicated to the general public by the Office of Tibet on Thursday January 7, 2021.

Yours truly,
Tsering Wangyal
CTAO local election committee chair