CTAO Celebrates 60th Tibetan Democracy Day and 14th Anniversary of the Conferment of Canadian Honorary Citizenship to HH the Dalai Lama

On Sat Sept 5th  CTAO Celebrates 60th Tibetan Democracy Day and 14th Anniversary of the Conferment of Canadian Honorary Citizenship to HH the Dalai Lama.  Due to strict covid-19 restrictions, members were required to register via eventbrite for the event and during the event the attendees were manually checked in to the centre.  The event was held at the Tibetan Canadian Cultural Centre.

Total registered attendees were 49.  The day started with the Gyashey group and the monks leading the procession and the portrait of His Holiness was received at the Throne.  Not many guests from the NGOs or the Kyiduks had attended today.  A minute of silence was observed for all the Tibetan Martyrs and specially for Nyima Tenzin, An unsung Tibetan hero of India’s resistance against Chinese PLA’s aggression.

Long life offering was made by the President along with an opening remark.  The President said that this year was special as the year 2020 marks the year of profound gratitude to His Holiness the Dalai Lama.  Keeping the youth engaged and giving them the opportunity and more responsibility to organize events, the Democracy day event was entirely undertaken by the youth.

TCCC Performing Arts led by Gen Topgyal performed the Tibetan and Canadian National Anthem along with the Mangtso Sar-share and a Traditional Tibetan dranyen song – Namkha Ya la.  Dylan Lankar, Lhamo Tso were the MC’s for the event.

The chief guest for the event was Mr.  Ngodup Tsering, Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Washington DC with Special guest Mr. Buchung K. Tsering, VP of International Campaign of Tibet, Washington DC and also 5/50 Tibetan Youth Ambassador Tenzin Norzin from Toronto.  Our first two guests spoke live via webex on Tibetan Democracy and the importance of it while Tenzin Norzin spoke about her experience at the Youth 5/50 forom in Dharamsala and also her experience of volunteering at Tibetcorps.

The President also recognized our two heroes Sangyal Kyab and Pema Kunga for their brave acts.  Sangyal Kyab marched approximately 800 km from Toronto to Ottawa and then back to Toronto from June 28 to July 20 to raise awareness of Tibet with demands of supporting Sino-Tibet Dialogue, Return of HH the Dalai Lama to Tibet and the release of Panchen Lama, Tashi Wangchuk and political prisoners in Tibet.  Pema Kunga did a Marathon run from Ottawa to Toronto running approximately 40-50 km each day for straight 8 days from July 26th – Sept 2nd.  CTAO presented the two brave souls with Khatak, Bumpa and Katrin Jeydrel T-Shirt.

Arif Virani, MP Parkdale-Highpark attended the event as well and graced the occasion by once again recognizing Sangyal Kyab and Pema Kunga with kind words and a certificate from his office.

After lunch, the youth interns and the youth committee members had a special presentation on Tibetan Democracy.  This was followed by an award presentation to 7 students who participated in the Katrin Jeydrel art competition over the summer.

While the event was taking place on stage, Chatrel and voter registration was simultaneously happening near the stage.  We had approximately 150 voters that registered for the Sichi Elections on a single day.

The day would be incomplete without Gorshey.  Sonam Chhoenden and his team led the Gorshey for a couple hours. The event was entirely broadcast live as well.